Saturday, June 25, 2011

New SAL start......

WOOHOOO.......I got in the mail my new NeedleWork Press Anne Wheatley 1829 SAL project that I got from the Attic in  Mesa, AZ.  I wanted to get it Thursday night when I was planning on going to the Thursday stitching meeting but I wasn't feeling well thanks to my M.S.  It's been the heat here that has been bothering me.  So I just called the Attic to have them to send it which they did and it arrived Friday.

So OF COURSE.......I just had to start it last night!!!  I really do love this project and it is my first NeedleWork Press chart that I've bought.  Here is the link to the Attic's website for you to read up more about it.   Be sure to click on "Latest Newsletter" and then scroll down to read about this Adam & Eve sampler.

I've been stitching as much as I can lately.  I did finish a couple of birthday presents but I can't show pictures yet because I've not given them to the recipients.  When I do, I will share pictures. 

And with it being hot here, we've been taking advantage of using the pool in the afternoon/evening times.  I'll try to take some pics of that soon.

I'm off to stitch on my new sampler.  Orrrrrrrrrrr......I might stitch on my CCN Red, White and Bloom for the Facebook SAL there!   Hmmmmm..........a new start sounds like fun especially since I have the project all kitted up and I'm needing a "no brainer" type stitching project at the moment!  I'll post a picture of the WIP when I do. 

Until next time........HAPPY STITCHING!

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